Sunday, January 18, 2009

community catalyst strategic vision 2020

Energy Conservation and Sustainability
Created January 17, 2009

Welcome to central Maine's sustainable community in 2020. We define
sustainability as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the
needs of the future.

We, the people of the Kennebec, recognize that our survival depends on a
healthy and safe environment. We are part of an interdependent world of
natural resources, human communities, and economic systems. Our culture
supports sustainability in everything, such as use of local food, energy,
and transportation as well as preservation of our natural resources.

We are a strong regional community with shared interests. We collaborate in
making wise energy and environmental choices. We make public and private
decisions in terms of their environmental, social, and economic impacts,
including quality of life and employment opportunities. We have increased
the prosperity of the region. We have full employment at a living wage
through green services and green manufacturing.

People of all ages learn about sustainability throughout our communities:
at home, in schools, in the workplace. The youth in our communities grow up
safe and healthy, and are engaged in the process of achieving

We invest in the best available strategies and infrastructures for energy
generation, distribution and use. Where we use energy, we give priority to
local, renewable resources. Through practices of energy conservation,
generation and efficiency, we have reduced our carbon footprint and our use
of fossil fuels by fifty per cent since 2009.

Most of the food we eat is locally grown. There is an abundance of
locally-grown food available throughout our communities. For example, 80% of
food used in schools is locally grown. We have revitalized area farms and
reconnected our rural and urban economies.

Recognizing that the open-ended generation of "waste" is not sustainable, we
have learned to rethink, reduce, reuse and recycle, with the goal of
eliminating waste completely - every output becomes an input. We have
eliminated most landfilling.

We use our natural resources, such as wind, water, wood and sun, to provide
for the needs of everyone in our communities and beyond, while at the same
time preserving the integrity of resources for the future.

Monday, January 12, 2009


The Catalyst workshop will address the following questions:
  • What do we want our community to be like in the future?
  • What are our local options for improving energy conservation and sustainability?
  • Which are these are most important to work on now?
  • What are the community's priorities for working on these goals?
  • How much progress have we already made in addressing them?
  • What specific tasks and projects will help us make progress?
  • Who will coordinate this work? Who will participate in it?
  • What kinds of immediate progress do we expect to make?
  • How do we organize citizen participation?
During the workshop, local citizens will measure the progress our community has already made on it's goals. They will also learn now to measure future progress toward the goal of greater conservation and sustainability.

The Community Catalyst will prepare area citizens to take immediate action on energy conservation and sustainability projects. During the workshop, participants will identify the municipalities, businesses, interest groups, nonprofit organizations, and individuals who can help achieve community goals. Using the action agenda as a guide, they will learn to coordinate future energy conservation and sustainability projects and make sure these are consistent with community interests and goals.

NOTE: Please identify your town/city of residence in your comments.